The Blueprint To Opening Your Own Profitable Indoor Playground
I've Cracked the Code to Success in This Industry -- Now I Help Others Accelerate Their Path to Profits and Avoid The Mistakes MOST Owners Will Make
Enroll In Play Cafe Academy!Imagine If You Could:
✓ Be Given A Crystal Clear Step-By-Step, Action-By-Action PROVEN Blueprint To Opening A Successful Indoor Playground
✓ Receive Every Insider Tip I Have Collected Since 2015 After 5 Years Of Ownership And Working With Over 200 Current Operating Owners
✓ Unlock Access To Dozens Of Resources You Need Along The Way Such As Templates And Trainings From Certified Experts Like Lawyers And Accountants
... All While Saving THOUSANDS Of Dollars And Hours In Start-Up Costs?

Everything You Need for a Profitable
Indoor Playground- With NO Guess Work!
This go-at-your-own-pace online course, combined with an optional collaboration community and hands-on support is your COMPLETE solution to get on the fast-track to success and profits in your indoor playground business
Hi, I'm Michele Caruana...
Former Owner Of Multiple Indoor Playground Locations (Who Successfully Sold To Dedicate Her Career To Coaching Other Owners!) And Here's What I'd Like to Share With You...
Don't Let Fear Or Uncertainty Prevent You From Launching Your Dream Business...

Would You Like To...
➔ Know Exactly How To Best Fund Your Business (In The Least Risky Ways)
➔ Get A CLEAR Picture Of Your Projected Costs, Revenue, & Income?
➔ Learn Which Costly Mistakes MANY Owners Make While Opening (And AVOID Them Altogether)?
If you answered YES, then I'm really glad you're here. You see I've dedicated my entire business to helping prospective owners just like you launch their business with a proven method I have tweaked and perfected since 2015 in my own business and helping hundreds of others open successfully.

Wondering How An Online Course Can Support Your Goals Better Than A 1:1 Business Mentor?
It's actually a lot simpler than you think - by compiling 35+ hours into self-paced, pre-recorded lessons, templates, and downloads... I can charge a small percentage of what a 1:1 consultant would for the same amount of time and expertise.
Here's What You'll Get In Play Cafe Academy... That You WON'T With A 1:1 Consultant...

Proven-Launch Blueprint And Checklist
After launching my own 2 locations and helping over 100 businesses launch since 2016, I have figured out *exactly* what works and what doesn't in the opening process and which steps to NOT complete out-of-order (to save $$$ and frustration!)

CPA-Prepared Financial Model
Want to plug in different numbers for rent, prices, number of parties (+more!) and see how much your business will cost you, how much revenue you'll make, and how quickly you'll make $? Module 2 contains a CPA-created plug-and-play downloadable model!

65+ To-The-Point Training Lessons
Watch in my video portal OR add the lessons to ANY podcast app with our exclusive, member-only podcast! I have broken down EVERY step in a clear, concise format that you can work into YOUR schedule-- not that of your consultant (plus not a single SECOND will be wasted!)

Recommended Vendor Lists (+ Ones To Avoid!)
Easily complete cost-benefit analysis of different equipment, cafe, and software vendors with our up-to-date comparison charts and what has worked (and NOT worked) for past members! Plus, enjoy hundreds if not THOUSANDS in member-only discounts from our preferred vendors!

All The Checklists, Downloads, and Templates You Need
Confidently take the guesswork out of the opening process by using our robust course workbook that will explain everything from different lease types to different softwares you'll need to employee manuals and tasks lists-- to keep you on track and keep ANYTHING from falling through the cracks!

Hundreds Of Success Stories To Join!
With over 5 years of ownership and dedicating the last several years of my career to traveling and learning from my most successful 100+ students, I share insider-secrets of what is working RIGHT NOW to make profit with more ease and joy.

"Absolutely Worth It And Such a Blessing To My Business"
Tal Thompson, Owner Of Art Factory Cafe & Party Place in Virginia
Want to know why you likely have NOT made progress in your plans to launch your business?
Most prospective owners struggle with:
➔ Fear around putting their personal financial well-being and future at risk
➔ Lack of business-plan writing and financial model creation expertise, causing them to hear "no" after "no" from banks, credit unions, and the SBA
➔ Less-than-all-in-support from partners, spouses, family, or friends, causing them to lose confidence in their vision (which brings us back to the FEAR thing)
➔ Limited time and mental bandwidth, especially if also juggling kids, relationships, or a career (or all 3!)
➔ This process is just HARD. Plain & simple. Especially if you choose to go-it-alone or with someone without repeated success in the industry. With million-and-one decisions to make, it's common not to have clarity around the process. That's why I created this program.
This program will get you LAUNCHED with less stress and money spent:
➔ With my award-winning, PROVEN, 34+ page business plan with plenty of training and industry-specific examples, you'll walk into every bank and investor meeting with confidence- and leave with funding
➔ This program leaves it all on the table. The good, the bad, AND the ugly. As an open book, I will give you the FULL and honest picture of your road ahead (with plenty of tried + true tips along the way)
➔ With easy-to-use resources to project costs, revenues, and income... you can confidently share your plan and gain that partner, spouse, or family support you need to push forward
➔ Most importantly, you'll feel supported. I won't let you feel alone in your journey, even with an online-course experience.
There Are 3 Common Things I Hear From Prospective Business Owners Who Aren't Sure If This Program Is For Them...

"But My Business Model Will Be a Bit Different..."
Whether you plan on opening a for-profit or not-for-profit business...
Whether you plan to launch a 1,500 square foot facility or a 40,000 square foot facility...
Whether or not you plan to have a cafe or parties...
This program will give you a positive return-on-investment and help you launch with LOWER costs and FEWER roadblocks. My money-back-guarantee isn't for nothin'.

"I Want To Wait Until...."
First of all, the timing to make a change will never feel "perfect".
Have you ever heard the proverb that the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, and the SECOND best time is TODAY? That's how I honestly feel about investing in yourself.
One thing I hear from current members is that their only regret is that they waited TOO LONG to join.
That's because the strategies I teach (like how to raise money even if you're 2-3 years away from a possible opening) are meant to do things the right way- not the quick way.

"I Have The Passion,
But Lack The Business Experience..."
That is exactly what puts this program in an entirely other league from most 1:1 consultants you may encounter.
With a masters degree in business, this is my SUPER POWER!
Plus, I have teamed up with HR specialists, Accountants, Lawyers, and MORE to bring you the widest array of expertise available for the lowest price possible.
Where Does Play Cafe Academy Fit In With Play Maker Society?
My course (Play Cafe Academy) and my monthly membership (Play Maker Society) serve different purposes at different points in your journey, so I keep them separate to save you money!
Here's what your indoor playground ownership success path will look like-- and here's how I can support you every step of the way.
Still Need More Clarity?
Here's a visual of what's included in both my course and membership!

Plus RIGHT NOW You Can Unlock An ENTIRE MONTH Inside Play Maker Society FREE When You Join Play Cafe Academy!

Here's what this program has meant to others...

Gloria, Owner of Looma Space in California.
Both Play Cafe Academy and Play Maker Society were instrumental in launching my business. I can hear from other play cafe owners throughout the entire country, and see how they're doing things.

Tiffany, Owner of My Play Cafe in Missouri
SOO worth it, now more than ever. I would have been lost without the support from this course and group. We just had our best month ever!

Alera, Owner of Project Play In Texas
If you think Michele's free YouTube and Podcast content is amazing, you have no idea what's waiting for you in her paid course!

Michelle Waters, Owner of The Tree House in New York
I would not be standing in my very own business right now if it weren't for Michele's step-by-step program
Results are not guaranteed. Please see earnings disclaimer for more detail.

Everything You Need for a Profitable
Indoor Playground-
With NO Guess Work!
This go-at-your-own-pace online course, combined with an optional collaboration community and hands-on support is your COMPLETE solution to get on the fast-track to success and profits in your indoor playground business
Let's take a look at what you get in this self-paced program (YES- you get instant access to the entire course)--
Module 1 Getting Started:
How to Get the Most Out Of the Program! Plus, you can download your detailed step-by-step, phase-by-phase launch plan and checklist!
Module 2 The Business Plan:
How to Write and Pitch a Business Plan that WILL Get Your Business the Funding it Needs. PLUS, how to calculate your revenue streams and MORE!
Module 3 Choose a Location:
Choosing the Lease, Protecting your Personal Assets, Pitfalls to Look Out for, and BIG Mistakes We Made
Module 4 Get Funding:
How to Get the Money You Need to Get your Business Funded, Even if you Have No Savings (YET!)
Module 5 Plan your Space:
Planning your Play Area, Cafe, Check-In, and More to ensure MAXIMUM Profitability
Module 6 Get Marketing:
Creating the BEST and Highest Converting Website, Email List, and Social Media Strategy to Stand Out
Module 7 Get Ready for Opening Day:
Choosing the Best Date, What to MUST Prepare For, How to Tackle Issues As They Arise, and More
Module 8 Moving Forward:
How to Measure Success, Make Pivots When Needed, and How to NEVER Find Yourself at a "Dead End
Module 9 The Tutorials:
See some of the more advanced techniques (like Facebook Ads for your Business) broken down step-by-step using screen-share!
BONUS Module 10 The First Year:
The 7 "speed bumps" you WILL encounter your first year and how to navigate them successfully. You will learn how to handle things like one-star reviews, firing employees, "copy-cat" businesses, customer injuries and MORE!
Member Resource Library:
Get exclusive access to ALL of the documents we use on a daily basis including our waivers, task lists, employee handbook, email templates, party prep procedures, and MUCH more!
* PLUS *
I'm going to throw in some BONUSES to ensure you see results QUICKLY...

A Free MONTH Inside Play Maker Society!
Get access to 3+ years of guest expert trainings, advanced party and membership trainings, and our member-only Facebook group where there are 200+ other owners and YEARS of posts to search through!
If you were on the fence about joining Play Cafe Academy... This bonus alone will pay for itself in terms of value and collective expertise and insight!

How To Launch Your Indoor Playground As A Non-Profit!
Did you know you can pay yourself a fair salary as a non-profit indoor playground owner?
I have compiled multiple guest-expert trainings from non-profit experts AND the resources and forms you need to get started!
If you want to take advantage of state and federal grants + funding, accept money from investors, enjoy tax benefits, and still better your community for the long term-- THIS is for you!

Learn the tried-and-true insider tips for how to not only SURVIVE-- but THRIVE-- in times of economic uncertainty.
This step-by-step training will help give you the confidence you need to navigate a potential economic downturn and position yourselves head-and-shoulders above your competitors . Released December 2023!

Ready To Unlock Your Instant-Access To This Proven Blueprint For A Profitable Indoor Playground Business?

Enroll NOW To Get Instant Access To:
1. The Full 10 Module Play Cafe Academy Course ($697 Value)
2. The Member Resource Library Complete With The Legal Waivers & Party Contracts, Employment Forms, Operations Systems, And Marketing Templates You Need To Save Time + Money In Your Opening Process ($2500+ Value)
3. The Recession-Proof Your Business BONUS Training ($97 Value)
4. A MONTH Of Unlimited Access To Play Maker Society And Our 3+ Year Vault Of Trainings And Posts ($47 Value)
5. The Launch-As-A-Non-Profit BONUS Brought To You By Experts In the Field ($297 Value)
Total Value = OVER ($3,600)

Still Have Questions?...
No problem - check out the most frequently asked ones below...