The Ultimate Guide: Making Money as an Indoor Playground Owner Through User-Generated Content for Toy And Playground Equipment Businesses

The world of content creation has evolved at a rapid pace, with the power of user-generated content (UGC) playing an increasingly significant role in the success of businesses today, regardless of whether that business sells in-person or online. 

UGC refers to any type of content created by users, customers, or fans of a brand, including text, images, videos, and reviews. In this article we'll dive deep into how you can capitalize on this phenomenon and make money creating user-generated content for businesses.

And what I love about this strategy– is that you can make SIGNIFICANT income creating content using things you ALREADY use and love in your indoor playground or play cafe business. 

And you don’t need many followers (or ANY, really!) to make sustainable revenue creating UGC. 

It’s not like being an influencer. 

There is no additional product to buy or test, there is no following size requirement, and you do NOT need to worry about “annoying” your own followers by posting ads on your own feeds or social platforms.

Sound too good to be true? Well, thousands of business owners around the world are doing exactly this. So let’s dive in and discover how YOU can create this additional revenue stream for your business.

Why User-Generated Content Matters

Before we delve into the money-making aspect, it's important to understand the value UGC holds for businesses. The reason user-generated content has gained popularity is that it feels more authentic and relatable to consumers compared to traditional advertising. This fosters trust and credibility, which can ultimately lead to increased brand loyalty, conversions, and revenue.

Additionally, UGC can be a cost-effective method for businesses to generate content that resonates with their target audience. By leveraging content created by real people, businesses can save on resources that would have otherwise been spent on in-house content production or outsourcing to agencies.

Now that we know why UGC is essential, let's explore how you can make money as an indoor playground or play cafe owner by creating user-generated content for businesses.


1) Become a UGC Curator

One way to make money is by becoming a UGC curator. This involves sourcing, selecting, and organizing user-generated content for businesses that they can then use for marketing purposes. 

As a UGC curator, you can charge clients a fee for your services, which may include:

  • Sourcing high-quality UGC from various platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter
  • Filtering and selecting the most relevant and engaging content
  • Organizing and categorizing the content for easy access and usage
  • Obtaining necessary permissions from the original content creators
  • Assisting in implementing UGC into a brand's marketing strategy
  • Recruiting customers who fit the businesses ideal avatar to generate UGC


2) Create UGC for Businesses Yourself

Another way to make money with user-generated content is by creating UGC campaigns for businesses. This can involve taking video content for businesses to their specifications, and sending it over for approval, editing, and posting.

And these businesses will typically post to THEIR followers and accounts– you do NOT need to worry about posting to yours.

This is what I love about this option– even if you’re not TikTok or Instagram savvy and even if you don’t know how to edit, you often won’t need to.

You can simply take raw photos and videos and let their teams take care of the rest.

An example of this might be for a retail toy company. If you use a certain toy or play set in your space, you can create photo and video content using these items, showcasing them in a fun and engaging environment.

And as an indoor playground owner, you likely have an advantage many other creators don’t.

You likely have invested THOUSANDS of dollars in playground equipment– much more than the average person or family would.

That opens up SO many opportunities in terms of companies you are now able to engage with and send proposals to and toys or pieces of equipment you can showcase.

And by the way, if you are in my Play Maker Society program, I created an email template you can use as a starting point when you are sending proposals to brands or companies. And I even provided a legal template you can use to protect yourself as a creator to ensure you will be paid according to your agreement and your content will be used appropriately. If you’d like to sign up, you can do so here! 

(TO NOTE: This membership is ONLY open to Play Cafe Academy members, but currently open indoor playground or play cafe  owners who are not enrolled can apply as an exception here.)

Some of your responsibilities as a UGC creator may include:

  • Developing a creative and engaging campaign concept
  • Setting up campaign guidelines and goals
  • Creating promotional materials to encourage user participation
  • Monitoring and tracking campaign progress and engagement
  • Analyzing campaign results and providing insights for improvement
  • Offer Social Media Management Services

Of course, you can do as MUCH or as little of this as a UGC creator as you’d like.

If you JUST want to create raw content and collect a paycheck, that is certainly an option. 

However, if this is something that interests you, you can increase your income potential by learning more skills in this arena and playing a larger role in the campaigns.

Which brings me to your next option as a potential user generated content creator


3) Become A UGC Social Media Manager

As a social media manager specializing in UGC, you can help businesses increase their online presence and engagement by incorporating user-generated content into their social media strategy. 

Your tasks may include:

  • Identifying UGC opportunities for the brand
  • Developing a content calendar that includes a mix of UGC, branded content, and promotional posts
  • Scheduling and posting UGC on various social media platforms
  • Engaging with users who create and share content related to the brand
  • Monitoring and analyzing the performance of UGC posts and adjusting the strategy as needed

And if this is something you find yourself talented and interested in, you can move onto option 4 after you gain some experience and put together a portfolio of your work…


4) Become a UGC Consultant

If you have a wealth of knowledge and experience with user-generated content, you can consider becoming a UGC consultant. In this role, you'll work with businesses to develop a tailored UGC strategy that aligns with their goals and objectives. As a consultant, you may:

  • Conduct audits to assess a brand's current UGC strategy
  • Identify gaps and opportunities for growth
  • Develop a comprehensive UGC plan, including goals, KPIs, and tactics
  • Provide training and resources to help businesses implement their UGC strategy
  • Offer ongoing support and guidance

Now, your head might be spinning with all of these possibilities. And that was my point– I wanted to first cast the long-term vision, so you can understand a bit more that this is not just a quick cash injection strategy. Sure, you could quickly be making thousands of dollars per month creating high-quality content, but there is a long-term vision heres as well.

And considering most indoor playground owners will typically someday hope to sell their businesses and move onto a new venture, this experience you can gain before putting your exit strategy into place can be crucial for a smooth transition– both personally and income wise.

BUT– let’s take it ONE step back and talk about some scenarios that might provide you with a great start into this UGC world.

So, how can we GET STARTED as a UGC creator as an indoor playground?


1) Create UGC Raw Videos To Be Used On Social Media

As I mentioned at the beginning, the easiest and quickest way to make money with user-generated content is by creating UGC campaigns for businesses. This can involve taking video content for businesses to their specifications, and sending it over for approval, editing, and posting.

And these businesses will typically post to THEIR followers and accounts– you do NOT need to worry about posting to yours.

This is what I love about this option– even if you’re not TikTok or Instagram savvy and even if you don’t know how to edit, you often won’t need to.

You can simply take raw photos and videos and let their teams take care of the rest.

An example of this might be for a retail toy company. If you use a certain toy or play set in your space, you can create photo and video content using these items, showcasing them in a fun and engaging environment.

And as an indoor playground owner, you likely have an advantage many other creators don’t.

You likely have invested THOUSANDS of dollars in playground equipment– much more than the average person or family would.

That opens up SO many opportunities in terms of companies you are now able to engage with and send proposals to and toys or pieces of equipment you can showcase.


2) Partner with Toy Brands for Sponsored Play Sessions

One way to make money creating user-generated content for toy businesses is by partnering with them for sponsored play sessions. 

This involves integrating a toy brand's products into your indoor playground, allowing children to interact and play with the toys while their parents capture photos and videos of these moments. 

To make this partnership profitable, you can:

  • Charge the toy brand a fee for hosting the sponsored play session
  • Offer branded signage and promotional materials during the event
  • Promote the event on your social media channels and website to attract more participants
  • Collect and share user-generated content (with permission) on your social media channels, tagging the toy brand and using their designated hashtags  

3) Organize Themed Events Featuring Toy Brands

Another way to create UGC for toy businesses is by organizing themed events at your indoor playground. These events can be centered around a particular toy brand or product line, with related activities and decorations to enhance the experience. Some ideas for themed events include:

  • A superhero party featuring action figures from a popular toy brand
  • A princess tea party with dolls and play-sets from a well-known manufacturer
  • A building block extravaganza featuring a leading brand's construction toys

To monetize these themed events, you can:

  • Charge an entrance fee for participants
  • Offer exclusive event merchandise featuring the toy brand
  • Collaborate with the toy brand on co-branded marketing materials and social media promotion
  • Share UGC from the event (with permission) on your social media channels and website, tagging the toy brand and using their designated hashtags

4) Launch Toy Review Videos or Blog Posts

As an indoor playground owner, you have the perfect setting to create engaging toy review videos or blog posts that showcase the products in action. You can use your playground as the backdrop for these reviews, featuring children playing with the toys and providing honest feedback about their experiences. 

To monetize these reviews, you can:

  • Charge toy brands a fee for featuring their products in your reviews
  • Utilize affiliate marketing to earn a commission on sales generated through your content
  • Partner with toy brands to offer exclusive discounts or promotions to your audience
  • Share your review videos or blog posts on your social media channels and website, driving traffic and increasing your online presence  

5) Develop a UGC Hub on Your Website

Another way to create and monetize user-generated content for toy businesses is by developing a dedicated section on your website where parents can share photos and videos of their children playing with the featured toys at your indoor playground.

This UGC hub can serve as a valuable resource for both your playground visitors and toy or indoor playground equipment brands. To make money from this initiative, you can ask that people sign a photo release so these photos and videos can be used by brands in their content marketing campaigns. This is similar to being a curator as we discussed at the beginning.

As you can see, there are SO many opportunities to create additional revenue for your indoor playground or play cafe business as a UGC creator.

The important thing to remember is to only take on what you can reasonably handle, have a contract in place to protect yourself and your intellectual property, and be selective of the brands you work with.

To make this the most profitable and enjoyable venture for you, I would stick to the brands and products you already use and love in your business.

And as a reminder, if you are in my Play Maker Society program, I created an email template you can use as a starting point when you are sending proposals to brands or companies. And I even provided a legal template you can use to protect yourself as a creator to ensure you will be paid according to your agreement and your content will be used appropriately. If you’d like to sign up, you can do so here! 

(TO NOTE: This membership is ONLY open to Play Cafe Academy members, but currently open indoor playground or play cafe  owners who are not enrolled can apply as an exception here.)


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