Business, Marketing, and Life Advice for Play-Based Business Owners

WHY Mobile Event Businesses are Exploding in Popularity

Jun 30, 2020

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re likely well aware of the serious changes happening around the globe, across industries as we business owners try to adapt to the new mid/ post COVID-19 regulations.

Not only do we want to remain compliant to avoid fines and to keep our doors open, but we also feel a huge obligation as society members to reduce the spread of the virus as much as possible, while still meeting the demand for our services (you know, to pay our bill and...

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Facebook Ad Relevance or Quality Ranking: How to Improve YOUR Score

Jun 16, 2020

If you have ever run a Facebook or Instagram ad, chances are you’ve come across the term “relevance score.” Nowadays, some people may also be seeing ad quality ranking, engagement rate ranking, and conversion rate ranking. 

Here is a screenshot of one current ad I am running:

According to Facebook, “Your relevance score or quality score estimates how well your ad is resonating with the people you want to reach. The higher your ad's relevance score or quality...

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Why The Hardest Part of Having a Membership Site is Also the BEST Part

Jun 10, 2020

As some of you know I recently invested in Stu McLaren’s Tribe program and I love it, I highly recommend it, and I am going to share some high-level takeaways from the program after it wraps up in a few weeks, so look out for that!

It was expensive, and it was a risk to invest a few thousand dollars in something that frankly I wasn’t sure if I needed. After all, I hit six figures in digital products alone last year, I have 2 membership sites that I love, and I feel like I’m...

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UNPOPULAR OPINION: Launching a Business in 2020

May 03, 2020

It’s May 2020, and we are right in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis and all of the uncertainty that comes with it.

I’ve been paying attention to the conversations happening on podcasts, YouTube channels, and inside Facebook groups, and I’ve actually been quite surprised at the comments being made.

Understandably, a lot of people are feeling scared and stuck, and like their dreams are on pause.

However, the surprising part to me is that a lot of prospective business owners...

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Questions to Ask A Potential Mentor, Business Coach, or "Expert" BEFORE Hiring Them

Apr 19, 2020

Whether you are looking to start or grow a business, you will have many options along the way in terms of accelerating your path to success.

There are free resources like blogs and YouTube, paid educational products and programs like online courses, as well as coaches or consultants that work one-on-one with clients.

This is a good list of questions to consider whenever you decide to invest in a mentor, expert, or “guru”, whether you are only investing your time (to watch their...

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Alternative Title: Will COVID-19 Have a Permanent Impact on the Indoor Playground and Family Entertainment Center Industry?

Mar 24, 2020

I’m writing this on March 24, 2020- while we are smack in the middle of a global health crisis. I live in New York so we have been quarantined for just over a week, and indoor playgrounds around the country have been mandated to close until further notice.

While “social distancing” seems to (so far) be “flattening the curve”, so to speak (with the main aim of “flattening the curve” being to prevent a sharp peak of cases and spread out the infection...

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Preparing your Indoor Playground or Family Entertainment Center for the Corona Virus Impact

Mar 09, 2020

Regardless of whether or not you are personally worried about the effect of COVID-19, as a business owner or a potential business owner, taking proper precautions could mean the difference between your business surviving over the next several months or not.

Depending on your area, you may already be feeling the impact. In some countries and U.S. states, public gatherings have been limited or banned, and it looks like more and more locations are beginning to follow suit to prevent the spread...

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Tips for Opening a MOBILE Play or Party Business

Mar 06, 2020

As I mentioned in my blog about the important trends I see emerging for indoor play spaces in 2020 and beyond, Mobile Play services are a great option for thinking outside the box and either generating an additional source of revenue for your brick and mortar indoor playground OR for raising funds to start a brick and mortar space.


Specifically, what I referred to in my “Important Trends” blog are businesses that bring a mobile soft play...

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Feb 20, 2020

This past week in our Play Maker Society group coaching program (which is an optional way for Play Cafe Academy members to really uplevel their game and accelerate their success with the program) we had a veteran (10 year!) Starbucks manager answer questions and WOW, she provided some amazing insight!

While the full 1-hour training (plus MY 1-hour training on my lessons in operating a profitable cafe) is only available for Play Maker Society members, I did want to share a few of her insights...

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Opening an Indoor Playground Business: What Licenses and Permits Will You Need?

Feb 12, 2020

Before going any further, I want to note two very important things related to this article. 

  1. I am NOT a lawyer and therefore cannot offer legal advice. Before opening your business, you should consult with a business lawyer to ensure you have all proper licenses and permits. I am simply speaking from my experience and research.

  2. I live in the state of New York, in the United States. Depending on where you are located, the permits and licenses required to own and operate a business may...

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Can I Send You My NEW Free 2024 "What's Working In The Indoor Play Industry" Guide?

I asked 11 Play Cafe Academy and Play Maker Society members what is working RIGHT NOW in their businesses to attract customers and grow sales. I want to send you their answers in my FREE newly updated 2024 "What's Working" Guide!