Business, Marketing, and Life Advice for Play-Based Business Owners

The Indoor Playground Owners' Holiday Gift Guide for 2023

Nov 16, 2023

On my Profitable Play Podcast, I have already talked a LOT about black Friday and cyber Monday. Back in episode 134 I gave you some ideas for promotions you could do for your business and I gave a little 2023 update with some new and fresh ideas in episode 243. And in episode 135 I even gave you some ideas for black friday sales to take advantage of for your BUSINESS.

But in THIS article, I want to talk about YOU.

I am going to break down a list of gift ideas that are absolutely perfect, in...

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Legal Terms To Include In Your Indoor Playground Customer Contract and Membership Agreement

Nov 13, 2023

Something I mentioned I love doing towards the end of the year in my business is doing some auditing and ensuring I have all the loose ends tied up in my processes.

Here in New York our busy indoor playground season starts in October but goes all the way through April– so this time before the holidays was crucial when it came to really setting ourselves up for success during this busy season.

And while marketing became a bit less important during this time because we were packed every...

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6 Tips For Making Your Indoor Playground or Play Cafe Facility Seem Larger By Maximizing Your Available Space

Nov 08, 2023


If you're planning to launch an indoor playground business but are finding it difficult to find a larger-sized location or if you are operating within a cost constraint (i.e. you don't want to pay a bajillion dollars per month in rent) and are planning a smaller-footprint space, this article is for YOU.

And if you're a current owner of an indoor playground facility or play cafe business and you're about to skip this article-- let me stop you right there.

MOST of these tips and...

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4 Major Cash Injection Strategies For Your Indoor Playground Or Play Cafe Business

Jul 17, 2023

In this article we are talking about something that may be a little uncomfortable. But, in reality it can be necessary for many indoor playground owners at one point in their businesses. So let’s cover some strategies that can be used to generate significant cash– some quickly, some over the course of a few months.

In episode 209 of my Profitable Play Podcast we talked about 5 sneaky places where money might be readily available but hiding in your business- but here I want to...

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8 Amazon Favorite For Your Indoor Playground Business (Just In Time For Prime Day!)

Jul 06, 2023


As I am releasing this article it is July 7th which is JUST in time for Amazon Prime Day which begins on July 11!

And even if you’re reading this after it gets released– that's OK because Black Friday or another big sale holiday is right around the corner and this info can still be really helpful for you from someone who has spent MANY years searching for the best business related finds at the best possible price.

In this article I want to quickly share some of...

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The Future of Indoor Playgrounds and Play Cafes: Innovations and Emerging Trends to Watch

Jun 28, 2023


In today’s article, I want to do something a little different– and I wanted to take a peek into the future and explore a few of the exciting innovations and emerging trends that are shaping the indoor playground and play cafe industry as a whole. 

And if you're like me and prefer to LISTEN instead of read-- this content is covered on the Profitable Play Podcast in episode 210 here!

I know my content typically focuses on the smaller footprint spaces that are more...

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5 Sneaky Places Money Might Be Hiding In YOUR Indoor Playground Or Play Cafe Businesses (That You Should Check NOW!)

Jun 27, 2023


In this article I want to share something that I have set up as a regular recurring task in my Asana task management software that has helped me ensure that I am not leaving ANY money or profits on the table in my current online business OR my indoor playground business.

Today we are talking about 5 places where money might be hiding in YOUR business, and I want you to add checking these places to YOUR task list– wherever you might keep it— either monthly or even more...

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Mastering Credit Card Disputes: A Guide for Indoor Playground Owners to Safeguard Their Business

Jun 06, 2023

As an indoor playground owner, I KNOW that it’s just in your blood to always want to create a safe and enjoyable environment for children and their families. 

However, despite your best efforts, there WILL come a time here and there when your customers just do nasty things. It’s usually not to attack you or your business personally– but it DOES happen.

So in this article, we are talking about one of the LEAST fun times to be a business owner– when a customer...

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Create A Summer Membership Offer That SELLS: Here's Your Marketing Plan To Boost Your Indoor Playground's Summer Profits

May 24, 2023


As the summer sun begins to shine, teachers eagerly await their well-deserved break from the classroom. It's the perfect time for an indoor playground owner to tap into this enthusiastic and adventurous demographic by offering special summer memberships geared towards teachers or anyone who will have more free time over the summer months.

Since many indoor playgrounds, especially in states with more mild summers, see a drastic decline in open play and parties during the summer, this...

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8 Alternative Ways To Boost Summer Profit And Accomodate Field Trips and Groups At Your Indoor Playground Business, Even With Limited Space!

May 21, 2023


Well, it’s May and that means field trip season is upon us.

Just the other day I chaperoned my son’s second grade field trip to the science museum and PHEW– it was a hectic day.

And it got me thinking about the various requests we would get at our indoor playground facility regarding field trips from daycares and preschools– as well as what worked, and what didn’t.

Because this is the beginning of the SLOWEST open play season here in New York, and for...

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Can I Send You My NEW Free 2024 "What's Working In The Indoor Play Industry" Guide?

I asked 11 Play Cafe Academy and Play Maker Society members what is working RIGHT NOW in their businesses to attract customers and grow sales. I want to send you their answers in my FREE newly updated 2024 "What's Working" Guide!