Business, Marketing, and Life Advice for Play-Based Business Owners

Just a Quick Story About Opening My First Indoor Playground Location

Jan 13, 2021

This isn't going to be my typical blog-- but I wanted to get this out there in case anyone needed to read it.


Around this time in 2015, I opened my first indoor playground location.


I am reminded every year by my memories that pop up on Facebook.


And in all those pictures of our first opening months, I am always smiling, playing with my children, greeting new customers.


But to be honest-- I get a knot in my stomach every time I look at them.


Because even...

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How The Apple iOS 14 Update Will Effect Facebook and Instagram Ads (And Other Paid Traffic Sources!) For Small Business

Dec 28, 2020

Prefer to watch & listen rather than read? Check out my YouTube video or my podcast episode about this topic.

If you are a business owner that runs any sort of Facebook or online ad-- you’ve likely heard of the “Apple V. Facebook” war, brought on by the newest iOS14 Apple device update that Apple will soon be pushing for all users.


So, what is this iOS 14 update? And Why does Facebook care?


Basically, Apple is making it a lot easier for people to opt out of...

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4 Important Takeaways from a Google Ads Expert

Sep 09, 2020

Recently on my Podcast and YouTube channel I had the chance of interviewing Google Ads Expert (who I also happen to be married to!) Chris Caruana.

This is one of the most HIGHLY requested topics I get so it was great to get his take on many of the misconceptions out there around Google Ads, like that they are overly-complicated and are more expensive than other forms of advertising-- such as Facebook Ads, print ads, etc.

I decided to give a recap of some key takeaways that I got from my...

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9 Tips for Hosting an Engaging Virtual Event or Class

Aug 18, 2020

In this POST-COVID era, the pivot towards virtual events and classes is an essential one for many business.

However, hosting a virtual event is both an art and a science, and it’s often more complicated than it may seem at the beginning.

I have been to SO many virtual workshops and conferences and classes over the last several months, and the ones that I would consider to be good investments all had a bunch of things in common.

The first hurdle with a virtual event is to get people to...

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4 Marketing Lessons to Take Away from Taylor Swifts Surprise Album Release of Folklore

Aug 12, 2020

I’ve previously discussed on my podcast the genius marketing skills both Taylor Swift and her team possess -- but this recent “surprise” album was such a breath of fresh air.

But before we get into the details, a quick DISCLAIMER-- even if you are NOT a fan of her music whatsoever, there are still some amazing marketing takeaways from her latest album drop that you can use to enhance your business-- so keep reading.

So-- anyway, if you are in tune with the music industry or...

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Paid Workshops: The New Strategy That Will Reinvigorate Your Email List

Jul 20, 2020

Paid Workshops: The New Strategy That Will Reinvigorate Your Email List


If you have been building an email list for some time, even if it’s small, I want to share a strategy with you that has REALLY been working for us. If you’ve been list-building for a few months or more, there are likely subscribers on your list that have already consumed your free content, have already seen your lower-priced offers, and have already been presented with your higher ticket paid offers. ...

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How to Create Instagram Stories that Generate DMs (and CUSTOMERS)

Jul 15, 2020

How to Create Instagram Stories that Generate DMs

If you’re active on Instagram, you know that engagement and reach has shifted from in-feed posts to Instagram stories! This shift has left a lot of businesses feeling panicked about their decreasing number of “likes,” but for businesses who sell directly to their customers through social media, this is actually good news!

Instagram stories allow brands to share more intimate, playful, and customer-forward content. But most of...

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WHY Mobile Event Businesses are Exploding in Popularity

Jun 30, 2020

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re likely well aware of the serious changes happening around the globe, across industries as we business owners try to adapt to the new mid/ post COVID-19 regulations.

Not only do we want to remain compliant to avoid fines and to keep our doors open, but we also feel a huge obligation as society members to reduce the spread of the virus as much as possible, while still meeting the demand for our services (you know, to pay our bill and...

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Facebook Ad Relevance or Quality Ranking: How to Improve YOUR Score

Jun 16, 2020

If you have ever run a Facebook or Instagram ad, chances are you’ve come across the term “relevance score.” Nowadays, some people may also be seeing ad quality ranking, engagement rate ranking, and conversion rate ranking. 

Here is a screenshot of one current ad I am running:

According to Facebook, “Your relevance score or quality score estimates how well your ad is resonating with the people you want to reach. The higher your ad's relevance score or quality...

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Why The Hardest Part of Having a Membership Site is Also the BEST Part

Jun 10, 2020

As some of you know I recently invested in Stu McLaren’s Tribe program and I love it, I highly recommend it, and I am going to share some high-level takeaways from the program after it wraps up in a few weeks, so look out for that!

It was expensive, and it was a risk to invest a few thousand dollars in something that frankly I wasn’t sure if I needed. After all, I hit six figures in digital products alone last year, I have 2 membership sites that I love, and I feel like I’m...

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Can I Send You My NEW Free 2024 "What's Working In The Indoor Play Industry" Guide?

I asked 11 Play Cafe Academy and Play Maker Society members what is working RIGHT NOW in their businesses to attract customers and grow sales. I want to send you their answers in my FREE newly updated 2024 "What's Working" Guide!